In recent times, people are becoming more conscious of their wellness with emphasis on what they consume. Consequently, studies on dietary factors with health benefits have become the most highlighted research topics today. Hence, our laboratory is committed to studying some food components which play important roles in regulating and maintaining a healthy physiology. These food factors include probiotics (comprise of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria which are often used in yoghurt making), dietary polyphenols (which are well known for many health functions) and prebiotics. Our studies aim at alleviating and/or preventing lifestyle diseases, dermatitis and other inflammatory diseases, using the principles of food science, immunology and physiology.
The uniqueness of our lab’s research lies in our special interest or focus- managing intestinal function. This is so because recent studies prove that intestinal function play an important role in human health, and that intestinal dysfunction correlates with the pathogeneses of various diseases. Therefore, we bend on discovering beneficial food components and elucidating their regulatory mechanisms in the gut micro-environment. Thus, our empirical studies are conducted using animal models and at gene/molecular level.
The following are ongoing study topics in our lab:
Food components which regulate Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is long-term condition characterized by reduced kidney function. We are researching for food components which could prevent CKD. Specifically, our interest is in probiotics and prebiotics as there is a relationship between the kidney and the intestinal microbiota.
Food components which promote healthy skin condition
Skin condition has been related to intestinal condition and gut microbiota. However, no functional food has been found to be effective for the relationship among the skin, kidney and intestine. We are studying food components which would promote healthy skin, using allergic dermatitis and psoriasis mouse models. We hope to find out new prevention strategy for skin disease and “edible cosmetics”.
Food components which enhance intestinal barrier
Intestinal dysfunction is known to cause various diseases. We are studying polyphenols, probiotics and prebiotics to reveal the underlying mechanisms of their barrier protective effects and anti-inflammatory effect. Also, we aim at finding new therapeutic strategies against inflammatory bowel disease.
Research on functional nucleic acids derived from microorganisms
Nucleic acid molecules derived from microorganisms are known to have immune functionality. We will clarify the relationship between functional nucleic acids derived from probiotics and disease control factors and aim to develop functional foods against various diseases.
Development of oral mucosal vaccine using microbial antigen
Mucosal vaccines are known to affect the systemic immune system via regulation of the mucosal immune system. We will create a mucosal vaccine targeting the intestinal mucosa that encompasses microbial antigens and will lead to the prevention of infectious diseases.